Wednesday, September 4, 2013

The life of a King


I am King Priam of Troy, and as such, consider myself a great and noble leader. I am the son of Laomedon and Strymo. I am married to Hecabe who has blessed me with many sons. But I am a king, and therefore needed more sons, so I had mistresses on the side. Before the Greeks made war against my home, I supported the Phrygians war with the Amazons. During the war, my son Hector died. I had to go to the tent of Achilles to ransom his body so that he could have a noble and proper burial. Hermes went with me, delightful fellow. I was slain in my temple by that murderous cur Pyrrhus who was chasing my son, Polites.

Retrieved from here

"Troas." Wikipedia. N.p., 4 Dec. 2004. Web. 4 Sept. 2013. <>.

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