Friday, September 20, 2013

Fighting, fighting, and a some more fighting

I had almost thought that we would win the battle this way, but to no avail. Just as Agamemenon was about to give up and go back to Greece, Diomedes steps in and pumps everyone up again. They do, however, try to get Achilles to return to the army but he wants to go to his homeland, Phthia, and take Phoenix with him. So he's no help, thank the gods! The Achaeans, the next morning, send Diomedes and Odysseus to spy on us and we had sent Dolon. The fool got himself captured by the dynamic duo (Diomedes/Odysseus) and spills everything. He tells him where the Thracians were and the two go and kill 12 men, their King Rhesus, and escape unharmed on Rhesus's chariot. I was really upset when I heard that King Rhesus was killed because he seemed like a good guy. I was also told that Dolon was murdered and his armor was stolen. The next day, the battle continues. Zeus rains blood on the Achaeans which scared the poop out of them. Good! I don't know whose side Zeus is on but it doesn't matter when he helps us out like that. Several people get injured like Agamemnon and Hector. I was especially proud when Paris stepped up and fought. Patroklos at the end, was asked to once again try and convince Achilles to come fight or at least let them borrow his armor. I didn't know of this, but that will never work. We are too clever to fall for THAT! We will FIGHT and we will WIN. I am confident of this.

Everyone, me included, place a lot of importance in military glory. When Agamemenon was ready to give up, Diomedes stepped in and made clear how cowardly he would be if he did. Also, the way the Odysseus and Diomedes kill Dolon after interrogation for his armor, is that really military glory? Diomedes is possibly taking more drastic steps to improve his τιμή. I personally this to be true, but I'm just an old man. What do I know?

This is a picture of what are chariots look like, in case any foreigner weirdos are checking this blog out ;) Cheers, King Priam

Guapo, El. "The Global Citizen-Railroad Tracks." Google. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Sept. 2013. <>.

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